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About PigeonWorks

PigeonWorks is a special projects division of Raider Aerospace, and focuses on aerospace-related projects that don’t fall under Pegasus or Space Raiders. The current PigeonWorks flagship projects include the Solid Fuel Engine Design and the Industrial Autoclave teams. The Hybrid Engine Design team (Also known as Propulsion Development Team) is focused on learning to design and pour rocket motors for future competitions. The Industrial Autoclave team is building from the ground up an autoclave that will allow for the manufacturing of carbon fiber composites that the entire society is able to use. The drone team is beginning this year and hopes to develop new vehicles that accomplish different goals, with the initial goal being a 200 mph drone. Some notable prior projects include: 2023 sponsoring a space mining theoretical senior design project. 2019 sponsoring a mobile launch platform design project. 2017 funding Texas Tech’s submission for NASA’s Human Exploration Rover Challenge.

For RAS members interested in PigeonWorks, draft a proposal and submit it to the officer board for consideration.


 Propulsion Development Team

In August 2023, a new team of Raider Aerospace Society was formed to start the development of our own high powered solid-fuel rocket engine. The scope of this project includes first designing a solid-fuel engine equivalent to a “J class” commercial engine to learn and gain experience, and then designing a competition size engine equivalent to a “M class” commercial engine. This project gives our organization experiences and skills in student research and development engines that will further our organization technologically as we represent Texas Tech University competitively. The purpose of this project is to provide a more economical and technological solution to rocket engines for Space Raiders as they compete in Spaceport America Cup Intercollegiate Rocket Competition. This solid-fuel engine team has spent from August to December last year conducting research and plans to start manufacturing the “J class” equivalent engine this spring, conducting static fire testing, and manufacturing the competition size by May 2024. Currently the team is coordinating with a senior design team to begin working with hybrid rocket engines, and will continue this endeavor in January 2024. This Spring the main priority will be the development of an initial, small-scale hybrid motor.

 Autoclave Team

The Industrial Autoclave team was established with the goal of being able to manufacture carbon fiber composites. This would allow for the society to obtain more efficient, customizable materials at a lower cost than purchasing it elsewhere. This project includes designing an inlet system from a tank of nitrogen, pressure sensors, and multiple solenoid valves. The system will be heated internally through a heating elements. Currently, final parts are being chosen and building is expected to begin in Spring 2025.

Autoclave Body Tube Drawing

Autoclave P&ID

 Drone Team

Beginning this year, Raider Aerospace Society has begun development of a high speed drone. This is still in the initial design phase, and currently members are beginning to look into ways to maximize velocity through drag/weight minimization and thrust maximization. The design phase will continue on into next semester, with the goal of developing a prototype by May 2025.